Community Events
Black-eyed Pea Dinner, January 1:
The Swann Wellness Center provides a black-eyed pea dinner to celebrate the coming of a new year. Contact number 325-378-9471.
Sterling County Stock Show:
Usually held the first Saturday of January each year, local 4-H and FFA members exhibit their livestock. Students take part in an auction after the awards are given. The Methodist Church women offer a enjoyable meal in conjunction with the event to raise money for their many missions.
Contact number 325-378-3181.
Annual School Kick-off:
Usually held the first week of school, the entire community comes together at the Sterling City ISD pavillion to enjoy brisket cooked by local volunteers. Food items prepared by parents of school children are also enjoyed. After the meal, the new teachers, football team, volleyball team, cheerleaders, and band members are introduced to the crowd. A dance follows. It doesn't get more small town than this.
Sterling City Fall Festival:
Usually held in October or November, the entire community is invited for Food and Bingo.
Contact number 325-378-5821, Ext. 225.
Annual Hunters Appreciation Dinner:
Held the 3rd Saturday of November, the Hunters Appreciation Dinner is held at the Sterling County Community Center. A drawing to benefit the Sterling City 4-H Club is held in conjunction with the event. Each year, numerous guns and riffles are awarded after the dinner to local residents and hunters. Contact number 325-378-3181.
Sterling City Christmas Stroll:
Held the first Wednesday of December, Sterling City celebrates the Christmas season as Santa comes to visit and local merchants open with food and drinks for everyone. Family and friends come together to listen to hear Christmas music and the elementary school children as they sing songs of Christmas.
Contact number 325-378-2814.
Memorial Day and Veteran's Day:
Sterling City residents gather to honor and pray for the men and women who have fought courageously for our country. Patriotic poems are read, speeches are made, and inspirational music is played as we pay tribute to our American military heroes. Contact number 325-378-4400.
Sterling City Cowboy Festival:
Sterling City Cowboy Festival is held the 3rd Saturday in June. The festival features the World Championship Jalapeno Popper Contest and Cook-off, Goat Roping, Swann Wellness Center Golf Tournament, 5k Fun Run and Washer Pitching Tournament. There are craft and food vendors from the surrounding area, bouncy house for the kids and the evening is topped off by a area wide dance held in the City Park.